Image consulting is a professional field that aims to improve the image of the client personally and professionally through appearance, behavior, communication and digital presence. It is not just about appearance and grooming only, though appearance is a huge part, it is not just the only part. It covers the physical, psychological, social and aesthetical aspects of projecting a winning image to create a powerful first and everlasting impression. It is not about changing you, but more about aligning your image to be congruent, inside and out with the authentic you.
Here are a couple of reasons you may need to hire an image consultant to reach your next level of success:
Saves time and money
We know you may think hiring an image consultant is for the elite, or it is not affordable and you may see it as something that is meant for public figures and politicians only but honestly, you don’t have to be wealthy to hire an Image consultant. If you consider how much time and money you spend shopping for yourself (especially if you do not like or know how to shop). Consider how much money you spend on clothes you never wear or wear only once. Consider the amount you spend on pieces you do not like, that you never return, likely because you can’t find the time. How about the random purchases you make just because there’s a sale. What about the items that you overpaid because you didn’t have time to look around. Think about how much time you spend buying and then returning, not to mention a closet full of pieces that you could do without simply because you are buying to fill a closet that you feel has nothing for you. If you do the math on it, you will find that investing in an image consultant will actually save you time and money in the long run.
Style coaching

We teach you how to dress your bodies in a way that makes you feel fabulous and confident. As you go through life’s phases like childbirth, weight loss, menopause, etc you may not recognize your body anymore. As image consultants, we can get you re-acquainted by showing you how to use clothes, color, accessories and dressing techniques.
Organised Wardrobe

You will never have to look at your closet and think ‘ I have nothing to wear” as you will have a curated closet full of clothes that are handpicked for you and fit you properly and organized in a way that streamlines your day to day life. We shop from several different stores and designers to bring you a wardrobe that not only aligns with your lifestyle, body type, professional image, and budget but also seamlessly integrates into your existing wardrobe. An image consultant will be able to make use of the pieces you already have and will not let you “throw it all and start over”. We make things work. We will sort and arrange your closet in a way that makes sense. We will go through your wardrobe and determine what needs to be weeded out, taken to the tailor, what needs to be taken to the dry cleaners.
Build Confidence

Level up your confidence knowing you have been taught how to dress powerfully and authentically to get you noticed by your clients or the people who have the power to advance your career. We give you the tools you need to be able to wake up every morning and dress with confidence knowing that you look great. We teach you how to be self –sufficient, while still giving you the guidance you need from time to time.
Get the mysterious ‘X-factor’

Also known as the presence or the ‘IT’ factor. That thing that makes people notice or like you, even when you are not speaking. The thing that makes one-person stand out and seem more attractive that nobody can put their finger on. There is just something about them that is magnetic. It is the icing on the cake. Wouldn’t you want to be the person who commands a “presence” when they walk into a room? The person who exhibits magnetism that makes others naturally gravitate towards them? The good news is, you can learn to have that X factor that people love. We work with our clients to help them unleash their superhero status that represents their X factor.
Make Ideal firsts
Image consultants play a very important part in conveying to the world who you are and what you stand for. Make no mistake about it, people make snap judgments about who you are and what level of competency within seconds of meeting you. In 7 seconds, people size you up and make the initial impression about you based on your appearance, the way you speak and conduct yourself. We ensure your image is accurately projected and also people see your best side. You never want to give people an inauthentic impression. Many people intuitively feel if someone is being fake. However, when you are meeting someone for the first time, you always want to start on the right footing. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. We teach you how to make those first impressions powerful and lasting.
Shopping made easier

We teach you how to shop efficiently and effectively or you can have us shop for you. You can forget about having to shop at all and focus on other bigger priorities in your life. We have a comprehensive understanding of types of fabrics, garment construction and how different clothing brands flatter or don’t flatter diverse body types. Since no 2 people are alike, this is a very personal experience. As image consultants, we will never buy the same things for multiple clients